The terminal is far more complex for beginners. To format a USB flash drive on Mac, Disk Utility is better a better choice. Here’s a Youtube video tutorial we have made on how to correctly format your USB drive or flash disk for your TV brand.So how to select a suitable tool to format your USB flash drive or external hard drive for Mac? For a quick guide, read the tips here: Be sure to check first and only format the USB drive if it is not read by the TV.

However, with the advancement in technology, most TV sets that are being released that come with USB ports have already been tailored so you wouldn’t need to format your USB drive. Once the formatting is done, you can proceed and load your USB drive with the movies and videos you would like to show on your TV and start watching.

In the My Computer (This PC) window, right-click on the drive icon in which the USB drive appears.Click Start and then click My Computer (This PC).Connect the USB Device to your Windows computer.Make sure the USB drive is empty or back up the data to another drive. NOTE: Formatting the USB device will delete all content on the device. The process is pretty straight forward on Mac and Windows. So once you know the USB format you should use, now is the time to format your USB drive. You can check the file system formats that your TV Supports from the manufacturer’s website or support forums online.

Hisense: NTFS, FAT32, and FAT are supported.